The ultimate solution for generating synthetic data out of your production portfolio

DAPHNE® Masking Solution

In the highly competitive reality of today’s markets, companies need more quantity of quality data to evolve and keep growing in a fully digital world. Yet, this urge for data must be in line with the need of protecting sensitive information that could allow to identify individuals. Daphne® masking solution allows data to be exploited with the guarantee of the highest level of protection regarding sensitive information.

Our Value Proposition

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DAPHNE® is the solution you need for quick and easy data replication for testing, development, exploitation, or other similar processes. Furthermore, our advanced-masking-rule module produces human-readable names or valid credit card numbers, among many others. Ultimately, it is the ultimate solution for generating synthetic data out of your production portfolio.

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DAPHNE® stands for compliance with new data protection regulations. Moreover, using DAPHNE provides you with the certitude that all data circulating and worked with throughout your organization is anonymous and untraceable.

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DAPHNE® preserves the relational integrity between anonymized columns across the whole data model and also regarding different technologies. Consequently, the user will be able to generate and use a set of data with the absolute confidence that the data model will remain unchanged.

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Any action leaves its trace in DAPHNE®. Therefore, the DAPHNE® administrator will be able to know at all times who uses each application, as well as when and how they were used. Consequently, you will keep full control over your data 24/7.

DAPHNE® Connectivity

Main Use Cases

Production-quality test data in continuous supply

Daphne is designed for Agile and DevOps development, generating a continuous flow of synthetic and GDPR compliant data output based on real data.

Data generation for on premise to cloud migration

When it comes to Cloud migration, one of the challenges is to generate multiple scenarios that can sometimes include deep changes in the target data model. Use Daphne for generating coherent and meaningful data instead of random alphanumeric strings.

Data exploitation and business analytics

Exploit the richness of your own portfolio with DAPHNE® by feeding diverse analytic tools with zero risk of potential data breaches. In this way, you can maximize the value of your data securely.

File generation for third parties and auditors

Create files including transactional data for third parties outside your organization, such as providers, auditors, or regulators, with the certainty that all sensible information is protected and out of reach during the whole process. As a result, you can confidently share data knowing it remains secure at all times.

On-Prem & Cloud Compatibility

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